All Atelier Cologne perfumes can be found in this section.

Original price was: BDT 6,700.00.Current price is: BDT 6,030.00.

Before you landed on this page, You might be wondering where to find Atelier Cologne perfume in Bangladesh? Perhaps, you were searching for Atelier Cologne Perfume price in Bangladesh. Well, you are at right place. You can check all of our Atelier Cologne perfumes in this page. If you can't find a perfume, you can contact us on : 01511-664422. We will try to give you a price update.

Atelier Cologne is an exciting perfume brand. Launched in 2010 by founders and romantic associates, Christophe Cervasel and Sylvie Ganter, Atelier is the first perfume brand fully committed to perfumes in the classic cologne formula.

Atelier Cologne has introduced colognes with personality; combined with citrus fruit and herbal notes in a stronger concentration for a richer and longer lasting fresh effect. Every single fragrance from the first collection of the brand is centered on citruses and is influenced by distinctive personal events. Cologne Absolues are packed in containers of French glass with hand-made leather-based stoppers.

Atelier Cologne has 37 perfumes. Atelier Cologne is the latest perfume brand. The first edition was created in 2010 and the most recent is from 2018. Atelier Cologne perfumes were produced in collaboration with perfumers Cecile Krakower, Jerome Epinette, and Ralf Schwieger.
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