All Aquolina perfumes can be found in this section.

Original price was: BDT 2,800.00.Current price is: BDT 2,520.00.
Original price was: BDT 2,800.00.Current price is: BDT 2,520.00.
BDT 39.60BDT 2,160.00
Original price was: BDT 2,600.00.Current price is: BDT 2,340.00.
Original price was: BDT 1,800.00.Current price is: BDT 1,620.00.

Before you landed on this page, You might be wondering where to find Aquolina perfume in Bangladesh? Perhaps, you were searching for Aquolina Perfume price in Bangladesh. Well, you are at right place. You can check all of our Aquolina perfumes in this page. If you can't find a perfume, you can contact us on : 01511-664422. We will try to give you a price update.

Selectiva commences ​Aquolina​, that speedily demonstrates itself as one of the world's leader of the gourmet in perfumery. 100% Made in Italy, the brand is recognized by the actual red chili logo and is victorious over consumers with its bright colored packaging and its indulgent, original, and longlasting fragrances.

Kudos to the massive success of the cleansing milks and body wash, Aquolina starts the special Perfumed Body Water​ line: perfumed sprays that cover the skin in unique and exceptional aromas. The Aquolina selections conquer the sector and the brand verifies its authority in the hydration, detergency, and body perfume segments. The vibrant and inviting products are also a success as seductive and surprising wellness gifts. In recent times, Aquolina line-up has developed by developing a number of truly distinctive new fragrances. The trend translates into the product types ranging from 50ml up to 500ml for the Magnum bath foam and the Vivi Natura bath shower.
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