All Britney Spears perfumes are available in this section.

Original price was: BDT 3,300.00.Current price is: BDT 2,970.00.
BDT 45.90BDT 2,790.00
Original price was: BDT 3,000.00.Current price is: BDT 2,700.00.
Original price was: BDT 3,100.00.Current price is: BDT 2,790.00.
BDT 45.90BDT 2,790.00
Original price was: BDT 3,200.00.Current price is: BDT 2,880.00.

Before you landed on this page, You might be wondering where to find Britney Spears perfume in Bangladesh? Perhaps, you were searching for Britney Spears Perfume price in Bangladesh. Well, you are at right place. You can check all of our Britney Spears perfumes in this page. If you can't find a perfume, you can contact us on : 01511-664422. We will try to give you a price update.

This designer perfume was named after Britney Spears. She is an American music artist and stage performer who moved on from teen pop idol to one of the most popular adult pop stars of the twenty-first century. Britney Spears launched fragrances under her name along with Elizabeth Arden. Her 1st fragrance was Curious, launched in 2004 and turned into a best-seller. Other released fragrances always come in colorful and attractive packaging, specially designed to aim at the youth-oriented market which is making this fragrance brand one of the most popular and successful celebrity-endorsed brands on the fragrance market today.
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